"Confidence, Clarity and Simplicity

in Business"

Have you got to where you are now in business and leadership in the hope that life would be more peaceful, relaxing , less stressful, but you're finding that actually isn't the case?

Are you ready to get more confident, gain more clarity and set up your systems with simplicity: leading to more time with your family and doing things you love, whilst everything is taken care of.

Knowing that you can step back, take time out and feel ZERO guilt. Because you have the right automations, processes and system in place to do the heavy lifting.

Having that peace of mind and inner satisfaction that everything is ticking over, money is being made and you have a solid support system in place and pipeline to match.

Then, we would like to introduce the ELEVATE Mastermind. A female only Mastermind, for business owners, leaders and managers.

This is a space to support you holistically to scale, grow and step further into leading and creating your business life with intention.

No more dreading looking at your calendar and feeling frazzled before the days starts. No more standing in the shower wishing that you could stand there all day, because its the only peace you'll have all day.

No more sacrificing your life, and not enjoying the simple things, because you're too plugged into work.

Imagine.....lying in the spa without checking your emails. Going on holiday without worrying what you are returning too. Or just simply allowing yourself to be present with family, friends and loved ones, without your mind wandering into your to do list.

Then this is why ELEVATE will support you to with this transition.

You have grown to where you are and have built exceptional success, but there's a niggle that there's more. And that you are not quite hitting it. You've found that you're still out of time, exhausted and barely have time for yourself, never mind anyone else.

Youve heard the saying " what got you here , won't get you there" and sadly its true.

If nothing changes, nothing changes. But time is precious, and you're already up against it.

You need a safe space to be HONEST, OPEN and SUPPORTED. A space that you can allow yourself to unwind, reflect and find solutions to these repeating cycles.

ELEVATE is a small intimate space ( capped at 8) of ambitious female business owners, leaders and managers who are not afraid to be brave and courageous. Who are willing to think outside the box and challenge the norm.

What is ELEVATE?

This is a bespoke FEMALE only Mastermind which is created to meet the needs of each cohort. This is NOT a guided or cookie cutter program.

A space to grow, scale, expand and be challenged. To enable you to step out of the trenches and fully into leading mode.

Enabling business and self development growth.


A place of unwavering knowledge, support and mentorship. A resource to tap into whenever needed.

We are here to facilitate, support, guide, mentor AND coach to enable you to achieve your goals without sacrificing your wellbeing, time or energy.

To step back and take time out when needed, knowing that you have structures, teams and systems in place to support this.

How to empower yourself, to empower others. With strong boundaries and an ability to say NO to what is costing you time and energy.

To build a rock solid mindset to enable you to transition and move towards the goal.

We have your back - this is a true mastermind, a synergy of energies, a collective team. When a group pf ambitious women come together, action gets taken, magic is done.

This is a community inspired space, where everyone is included, respected and encouraged to bring their wisdom to the table.

There will be guest experts included in the program, these will be tailored to the cohort’s requirements. We are here to help, grow and uplift each other and ourselves.

Who Are We and Why Us? 

Kirsty Waite

Kirsty is a qualified Business Coach, Mentor and Strategist with nearly two decades of experience, leading and coaching teams within global organisations. Before building her own successful coaching practice and going on to create The Ethical Coaching Company.

Removing the smoke and mirrors associated with the Business Coaching industry and creating safe, impactful coaching experiences is at the forefront of Kirsty's work - she truly believes in the power of coaching and knows first-hand the difference it can make to the success of a business.

Kirsty's approach for transformational impact is through kind, challenging and stretching powerful conversations backed up with a solid strategy. She leads her clients to take big bold steps in way's that feel achievable and safe for them.

Louise Fernando

Louise is a Business, Mindset and Energetics Coach with over 20 years experience in professional roles working with behaviour patterns, trauma and mindset.

Louise is a qualified Social Worker, Clinical Hypnotherapist. and has qualifications in Energy Psychology, Mindfulness, NLP and Business Management.

Louise’s ethos is around safety,  growth and breaking sabotaging behaviours.  The safer you feel in your body, the bigger the risks and courageous acts you are more likely to take in business. Louise will assist you to grow, expand and stretch out of comfort whilst tackling any behaviours and habits that try to throw you backwards.

"This is a Safe, Powerful Space to Work ON The Growth of You in Business"

"Kirsty & Louise are bringing their complimentary skills, knowledge and vast experience together to create a space like no other. It's where Ying meets Yang. Where the feminine energy of flow is combined with the masculine energy of strategy to create the perfect blend of mindset and strategy.

Are you ready to immerse yourself in a transformational group that will provide you with a nourishing & intimate space with support, guidance and inspiration to see things with fresh perspective and clarity."

Who Is It For?

This Mastermind is as unique as you, each cohort will be tailored specifically for their OWN needs. This is specifically for YOU if you are:

  • Not sure of the strategy you need for the next steps in business or leadership.

  • Struggling to be consistent with your growth.

  • Held back by lack of confidence and self belief.

  • Find yourself easily overwhelmed in business.

  • Ready for the support of coaches and mentors.

  • Looking for a small intimate, safe space to ELEVATE your business.

  • Fed up of operating in hustle mode and looking for another way.

Here Are What Louise & Kirsty's Other Clients Have To Say

“Every now and then, a true gem comes along and makes a huge difference to both your personal life and business. That someone, for me, is Kirsty AND her Aligned For Success programme.”

— Becky Went, Founder @ Rebecca Went Copywriting

“The exercises in AFS programme has made me probe deep into where I want to be (the goal I came up with was a total surprise I hadn’t ever considered!) and the actions I need to take to get there..”

— Helen Hill - Founder @ UnlikelyGenius

“I entered the programme feeling a bit lost, slightly indifferent to the rate my business grew (or didn't), and have left it feeling driven, calm and focussed, and with a to-do list as long as my arm, but for once, with the time, energy and enthusiasm to do it.”

Nikki Simpson, Founder & Director @ The international Magazine Centre

What is included?

This is the exciting bit!

-This is a Six-month space kicking off with an IN-PERSON FULL mastermind day.

If you can’t make it in person you can join by Zoom.

(Travel is not included but we cover the rest)

- A small intimate group of amazing likeminded women - (We intentionally cap the group at 8)

- Fortnightly sessions including: accountability sessions, guest experts, masterminding & mindset sessions.

- A private space where we can connect and build a trusted community and tap in for support when needed

- Your own member’s area where you will have bonus resources and recordings of guest sessions added as we progress.

- Access to Kirsty's Aligned for Success proven digital strategy program.

- Access to Louise's Money Mindset Bundle (nail you money mindset).

Who will be in the group?

There will be a stringent process on who will join the Mastermind Group. This will be by application only.

Anyone who has worked with us previously is aware of how intentional and particular we are when it comes to curating groups.

Intimacy and having the right space is a huge important factor to curate safety and growth.

Therefore, there are limited numbers to ensure that everyone is seen, heard and given equal opportunities throughout the Mastermind period. 

The group will be made up of female business owners at similar stages as you. A mastermind has the power to surround you with like-minded women AND bring out the best in your own potential.

The Details

Investment £4,000

Payment plan: £1,000 Deposit followed by 8 x £375 monthly payments

When does the Mastermind start and finish?

The Mastermind will run for six months from October

How big will the group be?

We believe people thrive quicker in intimate groups that offer trust and safety to grow. It is intentional that the group will be capped at a maximum of 8 to ensure this happens. We want to be able to give each and every one of you the time you need.

When & Where will the in person day be?

It will take place on Friday 20th October 2023 and will be in York (Direct access from the main east coast trainline - 2hrs from London / 1.5hrs from Manchester)

Is there 1:1 support included

People with early bird access got 2 x 1:1 bonus sessions - one strategy and one mindset session. You can add additional sessions on if you wish during the six-month program.

You get fortnightly live group calls and access to both Kirsty, Louise & the group via your community so there is plenty of opportunity to gain the support you need.

How is this mastermind different to a group program?

A group program is a structured guided framework where you are guided learnings specific to the program. This mastermind is bespoke to provide expert advice to that the cohort needs and the power of the group is what excels each business within.

© Copyright 2023 Kirsty Waite & Louise Fernando